Story Telling

Story Telling is one of the most important part in any child’s life. It is very important that parents make it a point to introduce their child to story telling and keep it consistent. Story telling plays the first and foremost important role in every child’s life and that is improving the child’s imagination skills. It helps the child to express his feelings, emotions and also the skills to build up new stories. It also teaches us to love and to forgive others.
When parents narrate stories to their children it also teaches them life lessons through interesting stories. They also introduce new vocabulary through new stories every time. When the parents want to introduce new values or they want their child to understand something important, they can introduce those things to them through stories.
Story telling is a great way for children to practice many things by the children’s way. It becomes easier for the parents as well, to make their child understand everything. It also helps the parents to spend time with their child.
Every parent must practice story telling with their child, a way way to bond with your child!