Preparation for the first day of school

If your child is starting preschool this fall, you may be approaching this major milestone with conflict emotions. Probably you are excited about all the fun your child will have. At the same time, you may feel a little bit sad that your baby is venturing out into the new big world without you.

The last few weeks before starting preschool seems to fly by! As you begin the countdown to the first day, here are some things to keep in mind:


* Purchase a backpack together with your child. If possible, let your child choose it himself. This gives him a sense of control and emphasis the fact that he is a “big kid” starting preschool.

* Label all items- backpack, lunchbox, water bottle, etc – with your child’s name.

* Figure out how your child will get to school and how she will come home. Talk to your child about the morning and afternoon routine so that she understands that she will be safe, okay, and cared of.

* Start using your child “school bedtime”. Help your child get into a preschool schedule by keeping to his school bedtime, beginning about 2 weeks before school starts.

The night before Preschool:
* Answer any last minute questions from your child.
* Let your child choose clothes for her first day.
* Make sure that your child goes to bed on time.

The first day:

* Wake up early enough so that you and your child don’t have to rush to get to Preschool.

* Make breakfast for your child and, if possible, sit down to eat together- or at least talk with her as she eats and you get ready.

* Review the day’s routine.

* Pack your child’s backpack together. If your child is bringing lunch, select food that you know are his favourites.

These are some special tips which really helps you and your child to get over this separation anxiety as per Jump Thru Joy preschool management. After all first day of school is one of the most memorable day of child’s life and parents also..