How to stop your child from pushing others.

Does your child ever push others, when he is in social setting ? Do you know how to teach her to use a different strategy to get what she wants?

Jump Thru Joy ( best preschool in Pashan and Wakad) love helping parents brainstorm ideas to help with their day-to -day parenting struggles. Jump Thru Joy preschool share this blog for the same. Not long ago one of our parents asked a question about toddler pushing. His 2 years old son had started pushing other children and she was frustrated.

Toddler behavior is tough sometimes! Toddler are still learning and need grown ups (and other kids) to help teach them appropriate behavior. Often they are trying to communicating something and are unable to express it appropriately with their words, so they use more physical way to communicate.

Here are 6 ways to deal with toddler pushing:
1. Figure out what the child is trying to say and model the appropriate behavior!

Behavior is a form of communication. Figure out what she is trying to say and then model the appropriate behavior. “You can ask if s/he wants to play. Can we play with you?” “No,no. We don’t push our friends,” or “we don’t push babies”.

2. Give the child appropriate language to use to talk to their friend. It can be so helpful!

Sometimes little ones don’t know what to say or even how to communicate. Giving them the words can help alleviate any frustration . Varad say,” Can i have a turn”.

3. Take a little break from play

Separate her from her “victim” and make a big show sympathy for the child s/he pushed. Then, hold your child’s hands, gently, explaining that hands are for holding and helping. You can teach by example what gentle, nice, and softy mean. Practice together with dolls. S/he’ll catch on.

4. Show them what being gentle looks like.

One of our 2 years old student was quite rough with his fellow students and we found that the more we told him not to hit other, the more he wanted to.Instead, we took his hand and softly touched the baby while saying “gently…….Gently”. So instead of telling him what not to do, we showed him what to do and showed and how. He never hurt others again.

5. Stay calm

Communication with kids needs to be appropriate to the situation and distance. If a child is about to run into street, You would definitely yell. Talking calmly along with setting limits that are enforceable, simple and clear to understand and reasonable based on the age of the child is almost effective.

6. Redirect their behavior

Remove them from the situation and divert their attention to something else. This will require you to keep a closer eye on your child who has tendency to push other babies. It’s a phase, so you just have to be patient and consistent with redirecting and correcting.

Hope all these suggestions will definitely effective for your child’s behavior.