How to Help Your Child Get and Stay Organized

Organizational skills are crucial for success in various aspects of life, including academics, personal relationships, and future careers. As a parent, you play a vital role in helping your child develop effective organizational habits. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore strategies and techniques to support your child in getting and staying organized. From establishing routines to creating organizational systems, we will provide practical tips to cultivate organization skills in your child. Let’s delve into the world of organization and discover how to help your child get and stay organized!

Why is Organization Important for Children?

Before we dive into the strategies, let’s understand why organization is important for children:
Improved Time Management: Being organized helps children manage their time more effectively, allowing them to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
Reduced Stress: When children are organized, they experience less stress as they can easily locate their belongings, remember important dates, and complete tasks on time.
Enhanced Productivity: Organization leads to increased productivity. Children who have well-established organizational habits can focus better, complete tasks efficiently, and achieve better results.
Developed Responsibility: Organizational skills promote a sense of responsibility and accountability in children, as they learn to take ownership of their belongings, assignments, and commitments.
Long-Term Success: By cultivating organizational skills early on, children develop a foundation for future success, as organization is a valuable skill in all areas of life.

Strategies to Help Your Child Get and Stay Organized

  1. Establish Routines and Schedules
    Creating consistent routines and schedules provides structure and predictability for children. Help your child set specific times for activities such as homework, chores, extracurricular activities, and relaxation. Display the schedule visibly, whether on a whiteboard or a digital calendar, to serve as a visual reminder.
  2. Teach Time Management Techniques
    Time management is a vital aspect of organization. Teach your child techniques such as using timers, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and prioritizing activities based on importance and deadlines. These skills will help your child stay focused and complete tasks efficiently.
  3. Create a Study Area
    Designate a specific area for studying and completing assignments. Ensure the study area is well-organized with necessary supplies such as pens, paper, and textbooks. Eliminate distractions like toys or electronics that may hinder your child’s focus.
  4. Use Checklists and To-Do Lists
    Checklists and to-do lists are excellent organizational tools. Help your child create daily or weekly checklists outlining tasks and responsibilities. Encourage them to check off completed items, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation.
  5. Organize Belongings
    Teach your child how to organize their belongings effectively. Provide storage solutions such as shelves, bins, or folders for different items like toys, school supplies, and clothing. Labeling containers can also help your child locate and return items to their designated places.
  6. Teach Digital Organization
    In the digital age, teaching digital organization is essential. Help your child organize their digital files, folders, and emails. Teach them how to create folders and use appropriate naming conventions to easily find documents or assignments when needed.
  7. Encourage Prioritization and Time Blocking
    Teach your child the importance of prioritizing tasks. Help them identify urgent and important tasks, and encourage them to allocate specific blocks of time for each task. This practice will promote focus and prevent procrastination.
  8. Model and Reinforce Organization
    Lead by example and demonstrate good organizational habits in your daily life. Let your child observe your own organization strategies and routines. Praise and reward your child’s efforts in staying organized, reinforcing the positive behavior.
  9. Review and Reflect
    Regularly review and reflect with your child on their organizational efforts. Assess what strategies are working well and identify areas that need improvement. Make adjustments as necessary and celebrate their progress.


By implementing these strategies, you can support your child in developing effective organizational skills. Remember, organization is a lifelong skill that requires practice and reinforcement. Celebrate your child’s successes and offer guidance during challenges. With your support, your child will be better equipped to manage their time, reduce stress, and achieve their goals. Start implementing these strategies today and witness the positive impact of organization in your child’s life!


1: How can I motivate my child to stay organized?
A: Motivate your child by highlighting the benefits of organization, such as reduced stress, improved productivity, and better time management. Offer praise, rewards, or incentives for maintaining good organizational habits.
2: What if my child resists organizing their belongings?
A: Start small and involve your child in the process. Make it fun by turning organizing into a game or challenge. Offer guidance and support while allowing your child to make decisions about how they want to organize their belongings.
3: How long does it take for a child to develop organizational skills?
A: The time it takes for a child to develop organizational skills can vary. Consistency and practice are key. With ongoing support and reinforcement, children can gradually develop effective organizational habits.
4: Are there any apps or tools that can help children with organization?
A: Yes, several apps and tools are available to assist children with organization. Some popular options include Trello, Todoist, and Google Keep. Explore these tools together with your child and find the one that best suits their needs.
5: Should I step in and organize everything for my child?
A: While it’s essential to guide and support your child, it’s equally important to empower them to take responsibility for their own organization. Allow them to make decisions and take ownership of their belongings and tasks.
6: How can I help my child maintain organization during school breaks or vacations?
A: Encourage your child to maintain some level of routine and organization during breaks. Set specific goals or projects to work on, maintain regular sleeping patterns, and engage in activities that promote organization, such as cleaning out and organizing their belongings.