Daycare a boon!!
In today’s progressive world daycare is a boon for working parents and their children. While choosing daycare may be a heart-pounding option for many parents, there are clear evidence children will benefit over the long term. We here try to throw light on how daycare will help your child be independent and ready for the outside world-
1.‌Regularly scheduled activities such as dance, fireless cooking, singing, drama, art n craft, storytelling, puppet show and other fun tasks help in creative thinking and intellectual growth of the child.
2.‌Spending time with peers help the child’s social development. Children learn how to share, problem-solve, learn and have fun together in a safe, secured and supervised environment.
3.‌Daycare helps children develop healthy eating habits. As daycare provides proper healthy meals at proper intervals children develop the taste for all types of food. Even picky eaters when sitting with their peer group and eat they start enjoying their meals.
4.‌Daycare has routines. Group activities routine, eating routine, sleeping routine, studying routine, games routine etc. Children love a routine and thrive off of reliability that a routine brings. It establishes a sound platform to learn from. They become more organized when they grow up.